
           << BACK TO 11 VIDEOS 

01)     Introduction

          High Level/Machine Language

02)     Intro Contd...
Program, Software
          Classification of S/W
          Proprietary/Free S/W
          Free Operating System

03)     Python_Intro
Creator of Python
          Why the name Python?
          Interactive/Script mode
          id(), type()
          string constant
          Data types: int, float, str

 04)     Object-Oriented Programming

          Operator Overloading
          Concatenation/Repetition operator
          Static/Dynamic binding

05)     Operators

          Explains the various operators
          Explains Single Line Comment

06)     Simple Interest

          Prog. on Simple Interest
          Formula of Compound
                 Interest mentioned

07)     Compound Interest

          Explains Multi-line comment
          Explains how to continue a 
             statement in next line ( \ )?
          Explain round()
          How to avoid unnecessary use of
              variables in a program?

08)     Volume of a Sphere.

          Use of import math
          Use of intelligent
             function eval()
          Use of math.pi
          Use of pow()


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