
           << BACK TO 11 VIDEOS 

01)     Introduction
Compare String with List

02)     Function to read list

03)     Read 2 Lists
Read 2 Lists using same function

          Printed notes on Lists

04)     Functions on Lists - 1
From the above Printed notes
Question 3 of Page 32
          Question 4 of Page 33

05)     Merging & Sorting Lists

06)     Functions on Lists - 2
From the above Printed notes
Question 5 of Page 33
          Question 6 of Page 34
          (Sum of Odd Nos.)

07)     Functions on Lists - 3
From the above Printed notes
Question 7 of Page 34

08)     Functions on Lists - 4
From the above Printed notes
Question 8 of Page 35

09)     Functions on Lists - 5
From the above Printed notes
Question 9 of Page 35

10)     Functions on Lists - 6
From the above Printed notes
Question 10 of Page 35

11)     Functions on Lists - 6
From the above Printed notes
Question 10 of Page 35
          isinstance() explained

12)     Output: Functions & Lists

13)     Output: Functions Strings & Lists

           Higher Order Thinking Skills

14)     Shift the elements to LEFT

15)     E.g. elements to LEFT
          Program code explained
          using example.

16)     Shift the elements to RIGHT

17)     E.g. elements to RIGHT
          Program code explained
          using example.

18)     Program: Shift Elements to RIGHT
          Program code explained
          using example.




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